Our DNA is: Ultra-Commercial, Restless and Creative
We bring over 20 years of hands-on experience in Retail. On and off line profile businesses, now supplemented by Neuroscience´s contemporary concepts and the Stimuli that motivate Behavior.
With a LEAN mindset, we study the projects and briefings in advance, in order to connect only the adequate resources for each specific demand. Keeping budgets and investments within the approved strategy.
deX provides services on any of the below Business Solutions, also being able to participate as a Business branch or projects that involve Equity or Revenue Share.
Always Converging to Consumer Engagement and Demand Generation.
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C–Level as a Service or
C-Level On Demand (Senior Executive level solutions, on a flexible basis, with
a Bespoke contract arrangement)
Its not a Consulting service!
Its a Flexible and Ponctual solution, focused on Small, Medium and Startup businesses.
Not all companies are able to structure a Senior and Robust team which can support and drive the organization to the next level, at the exact moment that this demand occurs.
Contracting CLaaS is obtaining optimized and safe Technical, Strategic and Real market experience solutions for your business. Bespoke agreement, on the right company moment and without the risks and demanding processes of traditional executive hiring.
Strategic Direction, specific projects, brand or product repositioning, Growth, Sales traction, a New Business unit, Turnaround, an MVP …. these exemples fit perfectly for CLaaS contracts.
In summary, its a format that defines a Position (sales, finance, marketing…); a specific Demand (project) and a Timming (short/mid/long term), for the Senior Executive contract. All within a Flexible/Bespoke agreement, thus, not penalizing Fixed Costs.
Here at deX offer
CLaaS to:
SALES – CRO e CSO (Revenue e Sales Officer);
MARKETING – CMO (Marketing Officer) and
FINANCE – CFO (Financial Officer)
(Demand through Business development and sales channels)
Our vision
Nothing happens without a Sale!
This isn’t just a mantra that we follow here at deX, its the naked truth.
Without a sale not even light bulbs are turned on in the organizations.
This is the North that guides us when we engage with new partners and businesses.
International and Domestic agent operation, distribution strategy and structure are services that we provide to our customers.
We also create and develop Brands and Products for our customers to enter Retail segments and niches.
(Science supporting Marketing and Branding)
Our vision
We understand that Businesses and Commercial relations are established between brains – Brain to Brain.
All decisions happen in our brains, the majority are unconscious and based on emotions.
Therefore, more important than analyze Consumer Behavior as it happens (traditional Marketing), is understanding the Stimuli that drive and Motivate those Behaviors (Neuromarketing / Biology), which enables us to create memories and strengthen brands.
This knowledge creates better on and off-line results, consolidates branding, maximizes chances of success in innovation and new products, decreases considerably marketing investment risks.
Cognitive Neuroscience applications will aso impact directly other business areas such as Sales, Leadership, Design, Persuasion.
(Exclusive products and Private label to the Retailers )
Our vision
We develop the full cycle for Private labels for the Food and Pharma channels.
Still under explored in the Brazilian Market and very focused on the low-end price segments, Private labels represent, on average, 6% retail Market share, against 12% LATAM and 30 to 40% in Europe and US (FGV SP).
We believe in a steady growth cycle due to 2 clear and sustainable reasons:
1- Private labels are beginning to explore Premium and Niche segments, losing the stigma of low-price only. With this new consumer mindset and a correct strategy, large opportunities are on the table.
2- Cycle that creates value continuously (win-win-win situation):
Retailer– Opportunity to enhance margins, strategically control and participate into diferente premium categories.
Industry – Being relevant and closer to large, national accounts
Consumer – Quality and fair pricing in Premium and Niche segments.
Our service is directed to the Retailer that looks into healthier margins and deeper strategic control through Private labels and Exclusive products. We can engage from the Concept till the package art, from the opportunity detection, brand creation, branding, supplier development and pricing.
Also to the Industry that looks for growth opportunities and lasting relevance as a supplier to large, national account retailers.
In this scenario we act as, hands on, commercial agents and advisors from the project and product positioning, marketing concepts to sales.
(Licensing and Product development to be licensed)
We develop a series of brands and beverage product concepts to be licensed by companies interested in entering into this Retail segment (FMG), saving time and resources to do so (branding, registrations etc…).
Also to those companies that look to enhance and amplify their exhisting portfolios within an agile and safe path.
The compensation model in this case is based on royalties or Revenue share.
(strategies to access markets)
Our vision
GTM is a tactic plan applied to products, services, unique value propositions, built to access determined Markets or Niches.
We utilize it also for International or Domestic players through an Strategic, broader plan that follows a Market Diagnosis , Business model, autarchies and municipality viabilities, Positioning, Distribution, Pricing…
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Desenvolvemos uma série de marcas e conceitos de produtos, na área de bebidas, para serem licenciados por empresas que se interessem em entrar no varejo e FMG encurtando os prazos de criação, desenvolvimento e registros.
Também aquelas empresas que buscam ampliar seus portfolios de forma ágil e segura.
O modelo de remuneração com base em royalties ou RS (Revenue share).
(Produtos Exclusivos e Private label ao Grande Varejo)
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Ciclo Total do processo de Marcas Próprias para o Food e Farma.
Ainda pouco explorado no Brasil e muito focado em segmentos de 1º preço, marcas próprias representam em média 6% em share no varejo brasileiro, contra 12% Latam e 35% Europa (FGV SP).
Acreditamos no crescimento exponencial deste segmento devido a 2 razões claras e sustentáveis.
1 – Marcas próprias deixam de ser exclusivamente sinônimo de Baixo preço. Com este novo mindset do consumidor e a estratégia correta, surgem grandes oportunidades nos segmentos Premium e de Nicho.
2 – Ciclo gerador de Valor que se retroalimenta (ganha-ganha-ganha):
Varejo – Oportunidade de Margens saudáveis e Controle/Participação estratégica em diferentes categorias.
Indústria – Relevância contínua e Proximidade aos grandes varejistas.
Consumidor – Qualidade e fair pricing em segmentos Premium/Nicho.
Nosso serviço é prestado ao varejista que busca ampliar margem e controle estratégico através de marcas próprias e exclusivas. Do Conceito até a Arte da embalagem, passando pelo diagnóstico de oportunidade, criação de marcas e branding, desenvolvimento de fornecedores, precificação, etc.
E também à Indústria que busca oportunidades de crescimento e relevância de forma estável, junto a grandes varejistas. Neste caso atuamos com a Assessoria comercial, posicionamento conceitual e marketing.
(Demanda através do Desenvolvimento de negócios e canais de venda)
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Nada acontece sem uma venda!
Este não é apenas um mantra que seguimos à risca e sim a realidade. Sem uma Venda sequer as lâmpadas de uma empresa são acesas.
É com este Norte que buscamos novos negócios e desenvolvemos parcerias.
As operações de Agenciamento Internacional, Doméstico e Distribuição são serviços que a deX presta ao mercado.
Atuamos também com Assessoria no desenvolvimento de marcas e produtos para nossos clientes atuarem no varejo.
(A Ciência embasando o marketing e Branding)
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Entendemos que 100% dos negócios são feitos Brain to Brain!
As decisões são tomadas em nosso cérebro, em sua enorme maioria, inconscientes e influenciadas pela emoção.
Por tanto, ainda mais importante que analisar o Comportamento do Consumidor (Marketing tradicional), é entender os estímulos que motivam estes Comportamentos (Neuromarketing/ Biologia), criando memórias e fortalecendo marcas.
Este conhecimento gera Melhores Resultados on line e off line; consolida o Branding; Maximiza chances de sucesso em Inovação e lançamentos; Reduz consideravelmente os riscos nos investimentos em marketing.
A aplicação da NeuroCiência Cognitiva também impacta diretamente outras áreas de negócios como Vendas, Liderança, Design, Persuasão.
(estratégias de acesso e abertura de mercado)
Visão deX
GTM é um Planejamento tático aplicado a produtos, serviços e proposta de valor para acessar determinado mercado ou nicho.
Utilizamos também para players internacionais ou domésticos através de um Plano Estratégico mais amplo que passa por: Diagnóstico do mercado, Modelo, Viabilidade Jurídica/Autarquias, Posicionamento, Distribuição, Pricing…
Baixe nosso Spiral CANVAS